This year the BRICS Future Skills Camp is holding in the distant format with the remote connection of participants from all over the world. 2020年金砖未来技能训练营将以远程形式举行,世界各国参与者将通过远程形式参加训练营。
Future Skills is an initiative designed to train specialists in the professions with perspectives on the labor market. The development of the direction is due to global changes taking place in the field of technology and production. Demand for professions in this field is growing year by year, so massive training is a major challenge for education and production in the nearest future. The Future Skills block is aimed at solving this problem – outrunning professional training for high technology production and a transformative economy as well. 未来技能项目旨在从劳动力市场的角度培训职业技能专业人才。未来技能的发展方向归因于技术和生产领域的全球变化。该领域专业人才的需求每年都在增加,因此大规模培训是在不久的将来对教育和生产的重大挑战。未来技能部门旨在解决这一问题——超越了对高科技生产和转型经济的专业培训。

 At the 2019 edition of the biennial WorldSkills competition in Kazan, the Russian arm of the international WorldSkills organization showcased a new section, Future Skills, focused on activities in the digital economy and high tech. This initiative has aroused great interest among the international community. Thus, six of the nine new competencies that have been selected for the WorldSkills Championship in Shanghai in 2021 – Additive manufacturing; Building Information Modelling; Industrial Design Technology, Mobile Applications Development, Industry 4.0 and Robot Systems Integration ¬– were also developed by WorldSkills Russia. 2019年喀山举行的两年一度的世界技能大赛中,俄罗斯世界技能组织开辟了一个新模块——未来技能模块,其主要聚焦于数字经济和高科技领域的活动。这项倡议引起了国际社会的极大兴趣。 因此,九项新能力中的六项——增材制造、建筑信息模型、工业设计技术、移动应用程序开发、工业4.0和机器人系统集成已通过初步遴选,有望成为2021年上海世界技能大赛比赛项目。这些技能项目都是由俄罗斯世界技能组织率先领导开发的。

 The Future Skills Camp is a series of collaborative workshops aimed at mastering professional skills for young people. The objective of the Future Skills Camp is to emphasize the importance of transforming and innovative competencies, as well as to strengthen Future Skills and networks between countries. 未来技能训练营是一系列合作性的研讨会,旨在让年轻人掌握职业技能。未来技能训练营的目标就是强调了变革和创新技能的重要性,也为了提高未来技能并加强各国在未来技能方面的合作联系。
Global challenges do contribute to the development of a new unique stage in the vocational education system, creating innovative solutions and approaches for professional training, conducting contests and independent evaluation in a remote format, as well as satisfying the needs of the economy in the growth of distributed jobs. This year the BRICS Future Skills Camp is hosted by WorldSkills Russia. 全球挑战赛的确有助于职业教育系统新阶段的发展,为职业培训创造新的方法和解决方案,以远程方式进行比赛和独立评估,并满足经济增长中的需求,增加分散就业。今年的未来技能训练营也是由俄罗斯世界技能组织主办。
“There is currently a lot of discussion about the future and what it will hold. The rapid change in technology; the development of artificial intelligence, and universal digitalization contribute to the emergence of convergent skills, as well as the expansion of multisectoral and intersectoral cooperation. As part of the Future Skills project, we are implementing a full cycle of development in these areas: research, competency development, software development, testing in competitions and the training system. At the same time, our focus is always on the person and his or her interaction with technology.” - said Alina Doskanova, director of international relations and Russia’s technical delegate to WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Europe. 俄罗斯世界技能国际关系部总监、欧洲世界技能组织和国际世界技能组织俄罗斯技术代表总监Alina Doskanova表示:“人们对未来以及未来将会怎么样进行了很多讨论。技术的日新月异、人工智能的发展以及数字化的普遍应用促进了融合技能的出现,以及跨部门和跨行业合作不断增加。作为未来技能项目的一部分,我们正在推动如下领域的全面发展:研究、能力开发、软件开发、比赛和培训系统测试。同时,我们始终关注人与人以及人与技术的互动。”
Remote training of the Future Skills Camp will allow to test an innovative format, launch new digital services and platforms with a view to further utilization under any conditions. As well as to attract the greatest number of contestants from all over the world, providing them with opportunities to learn more about Future Skills competencies. The participating countries will be able to implement Future Skills subsequently into their training system and national contests. 未来技能的远程培训使用一种创新模式,启动新数字服务和平台,以期在任何情况下都可以得到进一步利用。除了吸引来自世界各地的****数量的参赛者外,还为他们提供了更多了解未来技能能力的机会。 参与国将能够在其培训系统和全国比赛中随后实施未来技能。
The BRICS Future Skills Camp is holding from June 23 to August 30. Participants receive assignments at the same time by the modules on a special platform and begin implementing them according to the time zone of their country. Completed works will be evaluated by experts in remote format as well. The Camp will be attended by contestants and experts from BRICS countries (Russia, Brazil, China, South Africa), as well as other countries interested in the development of promising professions. 金砖未来技能训练营将从6月23日到8月30日举行。参与者将同时通过特殊平台上的模块收到任务,并根据所在国家的时区开始实施。专家将会通过远程形式对完成作品进行评分。来自金砖国家(俄罗斯、巴西、中国、南非)以及对未来职业感兴趣的其他国家的选手和专家将参加训练营。
“The BRICS Future Skills annual challenge is an important moment of recognition of how vital skills development, industry 4.0 and technical and vocational education are to the development agenda of BRICS countries," says Frederico Lamego, executive manager of international relations at SENAI (National Service for Industrial Training). "The BRICS economies face different challenges for achieving a sustainable economic and social growth path. Equally, cooperation among BRICS institutions through knowledge and skills transfer could help improve the quality of technical education – the cornerstone for industrial and technological development." SENAI国际关系执行经理 Frederico Lamego表示:“金砖国家未来技能挑战赛是一个重要的时刻,让人们认识到技能发展、工业4.0、技术和职业教育对金砖国家发展议程的重要性”金砖国家在实现经济和社会可持续发展方面面临不同的挑战。同样的,金砖国家科研机构通过技能与技术交换开展合作有助于提升职业教育的质量——这是工业和技术发展的基石。”
Dr. Liu Zhenying, Chairman of China Section of BRICS Business Council, says:“Future skilled talents cultivation will play an important role in the sustained and stable growth of a country's economy. At present, the digital transformation of the world economy is the general trend, and internationalized high-tech talents are not only necessary for China's domestic construction, but also for Chinese companies that are going global in the "Belt and Road" construction. In China, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of innovative, application-oriented, and compound talents, and build a service-oriented manufacturing talent system. And, the training of future skilled talents requires the positive development of the education system and the establishment of a modern vocational education system. In the context of the global spread of COVID-19, it is of great value and significance to organize the remote Future Skills Camp. ” 金砖国家工商理事会中方技能发展工作组组长刘振英博士表示:“未来技术技能人才培养对于一个国家的经济持续稳定增长具有重要的作用。当前,世界经济数字化转型是大势所趋,而国际化高技术技能人才不仅是中国国内建设必备的人才,同时也是走出去的中国企业在“一带一路”建设中急需的人才。国内要强化创新型、应用型、复合型人才培养,构建服务型制造人才体系,而未来技术技能人才培养需要教育体制的良性发展,需要建立现代化职业教育体系。在新冠肺炎全球蔓延的形势下,组织未来技术技能远程国际训练营是非常具有价值和意义的。”

 “Without the requisite skills economic growth of any country will be adversely affected. The shortage of skills in South Africa has become a core issue in discussions on economic growth, service delivery, social development, and productivity. The skills shortages and associated challenges in South Africa are be exacerbated by the changing the world of work, driven by changing technologies and business processes. In the world forecasts of the impact of these changes range between 50% - 70% of current jobs being lost due to technological advances. However, at the same time many new, unknown jobs are being generated. To achieve desired economic growth relevant future skills must be identified and developed. The BRICS Future skills Camp and Future Skills Challenge facilitate identification of the required skills, development of these skills and allows BRICS partners to learn from and support each other”. – says Sherrie Donaldson, CEO African Innovators, SA BRICS Skills Development Working Group Member. 南非金砖技能发展工作组人员,也是南非非洲创新者首席执行官 Sherrie Donaldson表示:“若无必要技能,任何国家的经济增长都会受到不利影响。在南非,技能短缺已经成为在经济发展、提供服务、社会发展以及生产力讨论中的核心问题。不断变化的技术和商业模式推动了工作的变化,这也加剧了南非的技能短缺和相关挑战。在世界变化影响预测中,技术变化将导致目前50%-70%的工作都将被淘汰。但是,同时,很多新的未知的工作也被创造出来。为实现预期的经济增长,必须认可并发展未来技能。金砖未来技能训练营和未来技能挑战赛使所需技能获得认可,这些技能的开发让金砖国家结成伙伴互相学习和互相支持。”
The program will include 19 competencies, such as: Additive Manufacturing; Digital Factory; Digital Capabilities for Business (on 1C platform); Drone Operating; Enterprise Information Systems Security; Industrial Design Technology; Industrial Robotics; Building Information Modeling (BIM); Internet Marketing; Internet of Things; IT Software Solutions for Business; Life-Cycle Management; Mobile Application Development; Machine Learning and Big Data; Manufacturing; Team Challenge; Quantum Technology; Robotic Welding; Service Robotics; Space Systems Engineering. 本次项目包括19个技能:增材制造、数字工厂、商业数字化能力(使用1C 平台)、无人机操作、企业信息系统安全、工业设计技术、工业机器人、建筑信息模型、互联网营销、物联网、商业IT软件解决方案、项目生命周期管理、移动应用开发、机器学习与大数据、制造团队挑战、量子技术、机器人焊接、服务机器人、太空系统工程。
The Future Skills Camp includes both methodological and practical blocks designed for experts, trainers, masters of vocational training and teachers, as well as for participants. Within the methodological block, competency-based training will be held, which includes the studying of WorldSkills standard specification, training in the development of tender documentation as well as the methodology for evaluating completed projects. The practical block is dedicated to the development and implementation of assignments for conducting an independent competences assessment in the context of subsequent training and contests. After the end of the training, all participants will receive Future Skills Camp certificates. The contestants completed the test project will receive a Skills-passport. 未来技能训练营为专家、培训师、职业培训讲师和老师、参赛选手等设置了理论模块和实操模块。其在理论部分,将进行基于能力的培训,其中包括学习世界技能标准规范、赛项文档撰写以及评分方法。实操模块致力于在随后的培训和比赛中开展个人能力评估方案的开发和实施。在培训结束之后,所有参与人员会获得未来技能训练营证书,在完成比赛任务的参赛选手将获得技能护照。