E edge joint weld边缘焊 edge weld端接焊; 端接焊缝; 端面焊缝; 对边焊 electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机 electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机 groove weld坡口焊; 坡口焊缝; 有坡口焊缝; 凹槽焊 electric-weld pipe mill电焊管机 emporary weld临时点定焊缝 excess weld metal焊缝补强金属; 补强; 补强焊料; 补强金属 excess weld metal(焊缝的)余高 explosive weld爆炸焊接 electric welded anchor cable电焊锚链 electric welded steel pipe电焊钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-welded pipe电焊管 electrically welded tube电焊管 expanded and welded tube joint胀焊 electric butt welding welding电阻接触焊 electrogas welding气电焊 electrogas flux-cored welding气电管状焊条焊接 electro-beam welding电子束焊接 electrode [electrical arc] welding电弧焊 electron-bombardment welding真空电子束焊 electronic arc welding直流电弧焊 electrons leaves welding电子束焊接 electropercussive welding电冲击焊, 电接触焊, 电点焊 electroslag welding电渣焊 electrostatic percussion welding静电焊接 eutectic welding低温焊 exothermic welding铝热焊 edge seam welding端面接头滚焊 edge welding边缘焊接 edgewise welding沿边焊接 electric and pressure welding电压力焊接 electric arc spot welding电弧点焊 electric arc welding generators电弧焊接发电机 electric arc welding machine电弧焊机 electric butt welding电阻接触焊 electric resistance welding电阻焊接; 热电阻焊 electric slag welding电渣焊 electric spot welding电点焊 electric welding电焊 electric welding cast copper solder铸铜电焊条 electric welding equipment电焊设备 electric welding generator电焊发电机 electric welding hammer电焊锤 electric welding machine电焊机 electric welding plant电焊厂 electric welding pliers电焊钳 electric welding rod电焊条 electric welding strip电焊片 electric-arc welding电弧焊 electric-resistance seam-welding电阻缝焊 explosive welding爆炸焊接 edge weld端接焊缝 explosive weld 爆炸焊接 explosive weld爆炸焊接 F face of weld焊缝表面; 焊接面 fibrous weld纤维状焊缝 field weld现场焊接 filler weld填角焊缝 fillet weld角焊缝; 填角焊; 贴角焊 fillet weld in normal shear (搭接接头的)正面角焊缝 fillet weld in parallel shear侧面角焊缝; 侧面填角焊 fillet weld in the flat position角接平焊; 水平角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal position横向角焊缝 fillet weld size焊角尺寸; 填角焊缝尺寸 flame weld火焰焊接 flange weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝 flange-to-web weld卷边焊缝; 卷边焊缝 flanged butt weld弯边对接焊 flanged edge weld卷边焊; 卷边焊 flash butt weld闪光焊 flash weld闪速对焊 flat faced fillet weld平顶角焊缝焊接 flat fillet weld平角焊 ing of fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊 flush fillet weld平角焊 flush weld削平补强的焊缝; 平焊接; 无加强高的焊缝 forge weld锻焊焊缝 forged weld (焊后锻压的)锻压焊缝 form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数 formation of weld焊缝成形 front fillet weld正侧面填角焊缝; 正面填角焊 front(al) fillet weld正面角焊缝 full fillet weld满角焊缝; 全角焊 full penetration butt weld满对接焊 full weld满焊 full-fillet weld满角焊 full-sized weld全尺寸焊缝 full-strength weld (与母材等强)等强焊缝 fillet welding (填角焊)贴角焊 fillet welding in the downhand position船形角焊 fillet welding in the flat position船形焊 fillet welding in the horizontal position横角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position立角焊 fine welding精密焊接 fine wire welding细丝焊 fire cracker welding躺焊 fire welding锻焊; 锻接 fixed welding machine固定式焊机 fixed-position welding定位焊接 flame welding熔气焊 flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接 flash butt welding闪光对焊; 闪光对接焊 flash welding闪光电弧焊; 闪光焊; 闪焊; 火花电弧焊; 火花对焊 flash-butt welding电阻闪光焊接 flashover welding闪光焊 flat position welding平焊; 顶面平卧焊 flat position welding of fillet weld角焊缝平焊; 船形角焊 flat welding平卧焊 flexible welding rod软焊条 flexible wire for electric welding电焊软线 flow welding流注焊接; 浇焊 fluid welding流焊 flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接 fly-wheel type friction welding贮能摩擦焊; 储能摩擦焊 flywheel friction welding惯性摩擦焊 forehand welding向前焊; 向左焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 正手焊 forge welding锻焊; 锻接焊 forward welding正手焊; 左焊法; 左向焊; 前进焊; 前倾焊; 向前焊 friction welding摩擦焊; 摩擦焊接 friction welding machine摩擦焊接机 frontal fillet welding正面角焊 full automatic welding全自动焊 full-automatic arc welding全自动电弧焊 full-fillet welding满角焊 full-fusion thermit welding热剂铸焊 full-fusion welding全熔合焊 full-length welding满焊 fusion pressure welding熔化压接 fusion thermit welding热剂熔焊; 熔化铝热焊 fusion type plasma arc welding熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type welding熔透型焊接法 fusion welding熔焊接 fillet welded joint填角焊缝 forge-welded (monolayered) cylinder锻焊式单层圆筒 forged and welded vessel锻焊式容器 fine welding精密焊接 fine wire welding细丝焊接 fire cracker welding躺焊 fixed-position welding定位焊接 flare welding喇叭形坡口焊接 flash butt welding闪光对接焊 flat position welding(顶面)平卧焊 flux-cored welding包芯焊条焊接 flat position of welding平焊位置 forehand welding顺手焊接 foreward welding左焊法 fusion welding熔焊 fusion pressure welding熔化压接 fusion thermit welding熔化铅热焊 furnace butt-welded pipe对接炉焊管 flywheel type friction welding; inertia welding储能摩擦焊 fusion welding metal熔焊金属 fabrication weldability工艺焊接性 G gap weld特殊点焊; 双极单点焊 gas-pressure weld气压焊 girth weld环形焊缝 gravity weld倚焊 groove-weld joint有坡口焊接接头 galvanized and welded steel pipe镀锌焊缝钢管 galvanized electric welded mesh镀锌电焊网 galvanized welded tube镀锌焊缝管 galvanized welded wire mesh镀锌电焊网 gas welded joint气焊接头 guided-bend test for butt welded joint对接接头靠模弯曲试验 gas-electric welding气电联合焊接 gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊, 熔化极气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding气体保护焊, 气体保护弧焊 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护焊 gas torch welding炬焊 gas tungsten arc welding钨电极惰性气体保护焊 girth welding环缝焊接 gravity welding重力焊, 重力式电弧焊 gas carbon-arc welding气保护碳弧焊 gas electric welding气电联合焊接 gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊 gas metal-arc welding气保护金属极电弧焊 gas shield welding气体保护弧焊 gas shielded arc welding气体保护电弧焊; 气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding machine气保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc-welding machine气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding磁性焊剂气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded metal-arc welding气体保护金属弧焊 gas shielded welding气体保护焊 gas torch welding气炬焊 gas tungsten arc welding气体保护钨极电弧焊 gas tungsten-arc welding气保护钨极电弧焊 gas tungstun arc welding钨极气体保护焊 gas welding气焊; 乙炔焊 gas welding device气焊设备 gas welding equipment气焊设备 gas welding machine气焊机 gas welding outfit气焊机 gas welding rod气焊焊丝 gas welding rubber hose气焊橡胶管 gas welding technique气焊工艺 gas welding torch butt气焊进气硬管 gas welding tube mill瓦斯焊接机 gas welding work气焊工作 gas-arc welding气电焊; 气体保护电弧焊 gas-arc welding gun气电焊焊嘴 gas-press welding气压焊 gas-pressure welding machine气压焊接机 gas-shielded stud welding气保护柱钉焊接 girth welding环缝横向焊接 gravity type arc welding重力焊 gravity type welding倚焊 gravity welding重力焊; 重力式电弧焊 groove welding槽焊; 坡口焊; 开槽焊 guided automatic welding导向自动焊接 gun welding machine手提式点焊机; 点焊枪 gas-pressure weld 气压焊 groove weld 坡口焊 gas-pressure weld气压焊 groove weld坡口焊
H hammer weld锻焊 hand weld手焊焊缝 height of reinforcement of weld加强焊缝高度 helical-weld pipe螺旋焊管 high performance weld flux高性能焊剂 horizontal fillet weld横向角缝焊接 horizontal weld横向焊缝 horizontal-vertical fillet weld横向垂直角焊缝 hot weld encapsulation热焊封袋 hydraulic automatic weld液压自动焊接 hydraulic weld process液压焊接法 horizontal bend test横弯试验 handhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰手孔 helically welded tube螺旋焊接管 helically-welded case螺旋焊接壳体 high frequency welded spiral fin tube高频焊接 high strength welded pipe高强度焊接管 high strength welded steelpipe高强度焊接钢管 high-frequency electric welded steel pipe高频电焊钢管 high-frequency straight seam welded pipe高频直缝焊接钢管 holes in joints of welded vessels焊接容器接头处的孔 hammer welding锻接 hard facing arc welding表面加硬电弧焊 heated-tool welding热烙铁焊接 helium shielded welding氦气保护焊接 hidden arc welding潜弧焊, 埋弧焊 high-frequency induction welding高频感应焊接 horizontal fillet welding水平角焊接 horizontal-rolled-position welding滚动水平焊, 水平转动焊接 hydrogen atomic welding原子氢焊接 high strength weldable aluminium alloy高强度可焊铝合金属 high strength weldable aluminium alloy高强度可焊铝合金 hafnium welding wire铪焊丝 hammer welding锻焊; 锻接; 锤焊 hammered resistance welding锤锻电阻焊; 电阻加热锻焊 hand welding holdet手焊焊把 hard-welding硬质合金熔焊 hammer welded pipe锻焊管 heliarc weld氦弧焊 horizontal position of welding横焊位置 (未完待续)
